
During the second strike of the pandemics our squad was challenged to build a Click&Pick system in 3 months, the deadline could not be moved, and this included design the flows and the interface, plus coding both platforms.

The system should help German users to reserve and pick fireworks for the New Years Eve:

  • 3 months end to end (Including UX, Development & QA)
  • Both web & app
  • No payment gateway (so more chances reservations could be neglected)
  • We should reach 1M€ in sales in 3 weeks
  • As there was no payment method, I had the fear that much reservations would be made without a commitment

Ideation phase

As we have little to almost no time to do a proper research, we put our efforts in a good desk research, including Benchmarking.

My approach was generating a standard Ecommerce flow but focusing in generating a subconscious commitment to the user.

I started to tackling the problem by designing a flow depending on the “micro-moments” of each state.

The first thing I wanted to tackle is to make aware the user of the new feature, does not matter if the favorite store selected on the app had the Click&Pick available.

Once the user gains interested, wanted to make crystal clear the ease and benefits of the reservation, no upwards payment and convenience

The reservation was a pretty standard process, very similar to any checkout, but we had a map, similar to Shopify to ensure user has reserved the items on the store they wanted.

Even though all the reservations would be sent to the store at once, I thought to create a “fake” reservation tracking, that way we would benefit of the no frictions of not having a payment gateway, but ensuring the user would not forget the reservation.

Flow was designed both for web and native app, contact to see the web one an its particular differences

One of the biggest challenges, due to the restrictions of time and logistics was the great amount of corner cases, and solve it in an elegant fashion and with the proper feedback for the user.

UI Design

Once we have agreed the final version with all stakeholders and its feasibility in the given time, I worked together with the UI of the squad to get the final design.

The product grids and product pages were already existing components from the DS, we just added the necessary artifacts to develop the new tasks, but remain consistent to the ecosystem.


4M€ In Sales the first week
6% of neglected reservations
10% of sales to new users
300% of the objective in the first week